Monday 19 September 2011

Getting back on the wagon

Dear Readers,

I have fallen off the wagon...once more. Life's been very busy and a wee bit stressful the past few weeks and I have let my health take the back seat. This is the WORST time to be neglectful of yourself. Times of stress are the most important time to look after yourself, because stress is the biggest factor in IBS flare-ups. I preach yet I am victim to this easy trap myself. No sense dwelling, just have to get back on track! My week is only going to get busier so now is the time to make a plan.

Step 1: Exercise. Find one measly 1/2 hour to get in some exercise. I'm riding my exercise bike as I write this (laptop on the handle bars) Cardio is crucial to maintain a good bowel rhythm, but don't forget some strength training (core is a big one), and stretch afterwards!

Step 2: Plan meals. A few days or a week is good so you don't have to think about it when you're in a rush. Since I've been bad the last few days (read: weeks) I'm going to start with a gluten free week. For myself gluten in not off limits just not good in large doses, or too frequently.  Don't forget to include snacks in your plan, those are just as important as meals, and an area where people tend to let themselves slip.

Step 3: Supplements: I've been having a hard time getting out of bed lately, and one big factor is my lack of B12. I've been only taking it sporadically as of late and it's taking its toll on me. Also, I know I haven't been getting enough fiber so I'm going to add that back in slowly. If you just start piling on the fiber supplements and fiber rich foods too suddenly, your digestive system may get a little wacky. Gas and bad bowel movements can result if you don't give your body time to adjust.  If your bad with remembering to take your vitamins and supplements, leave yourself notes in a place where you'll see it at a time of day when you want to be taking them. Or put a reminder alarm in your phone. Remember if you're a coffee drinker, caffeine can inhibit the absorption of some minerals, especially iron, so maybe take that one with dinner.

Step 4: RELAX!!! Give yourself either 1/2 at the end of the day or 2-3 10-15 mins breaks throughout the day to do some form of relaxation training. Deep breathing or meditation are good examples. Slow the mind, slow the nervous system and the gut will follow.

Ok, my 30 mins are about up so keep working at it friends!


Cherry tomatoes on hashbrowns, with squash, a hearty breakfast :)

Ps WATER! Don't forget to always be drinking lots of water, it's what our bodies are made of!

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