Saturday 2 July 2011

Canada Day Company

The weather broke yesterday and we wound up with a beautiful Canada day in Winnipeg. My husband and I invited a couple of friends over for some bbq, bevvies, & sunshine. I made a GIANT batch of pasta salad, some bbq'd yams, & Morgan grilled up some turkey burgers.

Here's a simple pasta salad for when you don't have time to go to the store. You can put any type of vegetable in it you want and the sauce has minimal ingredients. Feel free to halve this makes ALOT

4 cups cooked pasta, rotini, penne, shells, or macaroni
1 can chickpeas (or bean of your choice) drained & rinsed
1-2 peppers, any colour, diced into lil bite size pieces
3 celery sticks, sliced
3 sprigs green onion, diced
1/2 cucumber sliced & quartered

After you've cooked the pasta, run some cold water over it in a strainer to cool it down. Mix a tablespoon of oil into it to keep it from sticking.

Morgan doesn't like the whole wheat multi grain pastas so we comprimised on this one.
It looks and tastes like white pasta, but it's high in fibre & iron

I like my chickpeas steamed a bit, but if you like them right out of the can, go ahead and throw them right in along with all the vegetables

I wanted a creamy type of sauce as opposed to my usual oil & vinegar
I was just winging it so the following measurements are an estimate, just mix 'em up and add more of any 3 of the ingredients to your taste

3/4 cup Veganese
1/4 cup honey
1 1/2 tbsp

I made up a few snacks, chips, pretzels, watermelon, rice crackers  & edamame dip

We ate them out on the steps... have I mentioned I don't exactly have a real yard?

 Sean & his Evel
Hope you had a wonderful Canada Day!!

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