Saturday 16 July 2011

Summer Vacation & a Bad Blogger

Hi There,

I know I've been a bad blogger as of lately. That's because I haven't been very excited about food lately. I haven't been doing a big weekly grocery shop (time & money poor) which means I haven't been following a meal plan, which means I've been making quick, uncreative meals. And who wants to see photos of that? Also I blame the heat. Winnipeg is still in a crazy heat wave and I simply don't do well with heat, I'm more of a fall/winter girl. That being said and this is a total tangent, but I love Winnipeg in the summer because it is SO ALIVE! Since we have super long, super cold winters, this city celebrates the warm weather like nobody's business. Festival after festival!!! This week is Fringe (my favourite week in summer) but I will be missing it this year :( As of today I will be out at Richard lake (where my banner photo is taken) for the whole week! Which brings me back to the subject of this blog: food. This morning my husband are doing a HUGE grocery shop, from a list made from my Lake Week Meal Plan. So you see my friends I am heading back on track. There is no WiFi at the lake, but when I get back I promise you a blog with lots of fun cabin photos!

This is what I do at the lake, read mags under a big hat
Enjoy the summer
Stay hydrated, re-apply your sunscreen & wear a hat!

1 comment:

Destini said...

LOL Have a great time hun! Feel better! See you soon XOXO