Sunday 10 April 2011

The Beginning

Well here we are. As a newbie to this world of blogging, I'm not sure where to begin.

I guess I'll start with why I'm doing this. I was pushed into by my best friend Destini. LOL, not quite, though it was her idea. I suppose I'm confronting a fear. FOOD!! For the foodies out there I'm sure you think of food as something to be enjoyed, experimented with and loved. For a person with IBS it's the enemy. I can't count the times I've thought to myself, "Well if I just don't eat today, I'll be ok, it won't hurt." We need to be very mindful of everything we put into our tummies, healthy or not it may be a huge mistake. To limit things further I'm a vegan. Now I believe this is a wonderful thing, but it can be challenging, especially if you are deathly allergic to all nuts (a must have for most vegans).

Now this isn't something I'm new to. I've always had the food allergy. I was diagnosed with IBS nearly 17 years ago, but my mother tells me I seemed to reject food even as an infant. I've been a vegetarian for15 years and a vegan for the last 5 at least.  Despite all this "experience" I've never quite got a handle on it all.

AT the end of last year things started to get worse. My symptoms started to worsen. My pain became much more intense and frequent. I started vomiting. I dropped 10 lbs. (at 5'3" and 125lbs, the change was very noticeable). The fear of food was now at an all time high. I needed to do something and quick!

I finally decided to take control of my health.  I started working with a naturopathic doctor. I'm seeing a new GI who understands that IBS is a real problem. I researched dietitians in my area and I got on a weight list for counseling to deal with my food anxiety.

Armed with my new team of health professionals, the support of my loving husband Morgan, my amazing sister Heather and all of my very wonderful friends, I'm ready to call a truce with food and fight for my health!!

1 comment:

KMo said...

Awesome Jenn! Get the word out, I'm here for ya.