Thursday 28 April 2011

the Safety snack

Sometimes no matter how hard you work at it, you just feel like crap. In my case, the crap is usually barfy, barfy, barfy! Can hardly move, type of not actually vomiting, but REALLY feel like you will, dizzy barfy. This can make eating a challenge. Luckily in this case I managed to get a late breakfast in before the hard core barf-tastic day set in (tofu scramble with spinach :) But for the rest of the day, just really didn't want to eat. So I thought I'd share with you some of my secret weapon snacks.

1. Ginger tea. True it's not food, but sipping on it throughout the day can help tone down the nausea & promote good digestion...even if there's nothing in your tummy to digest.

2. Digestive biscuits. Pre-Carolyn (my dietitian) these would have been arrowroot cookies, which are super awesome and have magical powers. However, with the digestives we have our friend fibre! 1g per two biscuits may not seem like a lot but it's better than 0g (arrowroots)

3. Applesauce. When you can't eat a meal or even a proper healthy snack, you have to try and force in some nutrients somewhere. I was not so successful with this one today, but hey a couple of mouthfuls is something. A couple of glasses of juice ain't so bad either.

4. And finally POPCORN. My husband would call this my safety blanket food. I can eat this no matter what...well almost. Now I'm not talking about oil popped or microwave. No, no it must be air popped, with a little bit of vegan marg & fine sea salt. Today since there wasn't much happening in the real food department, I added a couple tablespoons of ground flax.

So those are my secrets. What do you eat when nothing wants to go down? For the record I do not endorse starvation, and must remind you how crappy I will feel tomorrow because of the lack of nutrition I got today.

ps Did anyone get the Men Without Hats reference? You can dance, you can dance???

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