Monday 16 May 2011


I've been hearing again and again that cutting gluten out of my diet should help my IBS. Having tested negative for Celiac's Disease I assumed that gluten should be A-OK. However, it seems that in many IBS patients gluten can still be a trigger food. The main difference is this; with Celiac's the lining of your intestines are actually damaged by ingestion gluten. People with IBS are not damaging their intestines by ingesting gluten, but may see some relief in symptoms by eliminating it. Trying to be open to all routes I am trying to cut it down, with the goal of eventually totally eliminating it. With that in mind check out this SUPER delicious breakfast I had today!

It's a organic brown rice cake, spread with pumpkin seed butter, and topped with raspberries. I had one as a mid-day snack yesterday, and two (one with raspberries, one with strawberries) for breakfast this morning. It's fast, easy, delicious and filling.

*As a side noted I wanted to mention that 75% of the time I'm riding my stationary bike as I write these blogs. My laptop is balanced on the old broken computer that's mounted on the handle bars. Its a great way to save time, and fun! Remember that regular exercise is vital to healing and keeping those symptoms at bay.*

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