Sunday 29 May 2011

The Plan

With IBS there is only a certain percentage of it that you can gain control over. Careful planning, food selection, exercise, and relaxation practice (stress reduction) can reduce symptoms and flair ups, and put more control in your hands. During this past week that I've been on my 'health vacation', I put together a binder to help with this organization and planning.

I decorated it just for fun ;)

I clipped this out of a photography magazine years ago, wicked parody ad.
In case you can't read the caption it reads "Second hand smoke kills"
Smoking is for losers!

It's divided into categories such as a food log, menu planning, exercise log, symptoms & observations, nutritional info, IBS info, psychology & pharmacology, recipes, and resources

Here's an example of a week's menu plan
Colour coded because I'm a dork... also it just looks more interesting that way don't you think?
It starts with a Monday, so that on Sunday (a day I always have off) I can do my grocery shopping for the week
Even with all this planning you will still have some bad days that you may not be able to explain. For instance, this past Thursday evening I threw up after dinner for the first time in months... not a clue why. The important thing to remember is this: If you are working at it, you will have more good days than bad. And having a plan for the bad days can help you get through them. 
 For example, on my bad days I get to knit & watch Friends, a show my husband does not like and I can just zone out to. Plus it's funny and light. For my knitting I choose a funky looking yarn to do a very easy garter stitch scarf. That way I don't have to focus on it at all, I can just knit, knit, knit.

For me knitting can be very relaxing, and help take my mind off feeling like poop. Plus, I have something to show for those lousy days when I really can't do anything. I will call them my bad bowel scarves! Since this yarn is a bit orange I think it may go to a redhead, hint hint ;) I'd love to hear what helps you relax?

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