Monday 2 May 2011

It's Not Your Fault

When you are doing everything right and you still suffer. That is the tough thing with IBS. Sometimes no matter what you are doing, how hard you are working at combating the symptoms and being as healthy as you can be, it still attacks you. I had a shitty week last week. And when those days happen, sometimes its very hard to remain hopeful & positive. What did I do wrong? What do I do now? Will this ever be over?

I've learned something recently that may be of help to you. IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT! With no real known cause for IBS we have a tenancy to blame ourselves when things are bad. Looking for patterns in the chaos, trying to figure out where we went wrong. Well cut it out! Putting the blame squarely on your shoulders can only make you feel worse. We need to try to remember that with the bad days come the good, and if you are working at then you are already doing all you can. IBS symptoms vary greatly from person to person, so what works for your friend may not work for you.

The bad days suck, but you can ride them out! Have faith in yourself and in your body.Tomorrow will be better. Or perhaps the day after that...

 Me & my sister Heather, Vegan Eczema sufferer
Summer 2010
Have Faith Sis! I love you!!

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